There is a positive whole school culture, ethos and environment which promotes respect, fosters positive relationships and values diversity. This incorporates:
- Relationships between staff and pupils, and between pupils, are promoting wellbeing and there is a sense of belonging to and liking of school
- The school has a culture in which talking about emotions and feelings, mental health and well-being is the norm, where it is acceptable to acknowledge difficulties and ask for help, where targeted support can be provided to those with identified issues in a coherent and non-stigmatising way.
- The school is inclusive and safe for all pupils
Data has been effectively used and analysed to improve provision from the schools Growing up in North Yorkshire survey in relation to emotional and mental wellbeing:
- Key stage 1 questions 11, 18, 22 and 23 covers if pupils like being at school and if they feel safe at school.
- Key stage 2 question 54 asks about feeling safe in school. Question 76 covers a range of questions linked to feeling safe, cared for and belonging at school. Questions 55 – 63 covers peer pressure, bullying and negative behaviours at school
- Key stage 3 /4 question 25 covers a range of questions linked to feeling safe, cared for and belonging at school. Question 36 asks about feeling safe at school and questions 42-46 cover bullying and negatives behaviours at school
The evidence that could be in place to ensure a school is achieving this criteria includes:
- EHWB policy on the website which covers the whole school community
- A positive behaviour and rewards policy / relationships policy
- Equality statement and equality objectives
- Pupil led equality and diversity group
- Effective anti-bullying policy and visibility of anti- bullying work in school
- Bullying, hate crime and other incidents are monitored and analysed and acted upon to reduce further incidents
- Planned PSHE long term plan and PSHE information is on the school website