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Early Years Resources & Support – Emotional Health & Wellbeing

Government & National Guidance

DfE Help for early years providers

 Information about each area of learning in the EYFS and get ideas for activities you can do with early years children, including short videos to explain the importance of each aspect

DfE information and guidance on teaching about emotions, sense of self and relationships

North Yorkshire Guidance and Information

North Yorkshire The Mini Marketplace

Supports parents, carers and professionals working with Children and Young People, to find the most appropriate health support based on a child/young person’s needs.

Other Supporting Resources

Early Years in Mind

Early Years in Mind (Anna Freud) is a free online network for early years practitioners. The network provides easy to read and easy to use guidance on supporting the mental health of babies, young children and their families. The network was developed by mental health experts and shares practical and clinical expertise, and advice on using attachment-informed practice


Elsa provides downloadable resources that support the teaching of emotional wellbeing (a small cost for some resources)

Building Wellbeing Plan

Oxfordshire ‘Building Wellbeing Plan’ is designed to help settings to map out their provision available at different levels of intervention (e.g. what is available for all children: ‘universal’, for those with emerging needs: ‘targeted’, and those requiring a high level of support: ‘personalised’. A model plan is provided along with a range of supporting resource

Sometimes Happy, Sometimes Sad.

Early Years in Mind Story and Guide to explore emotions with children aged 0-5

Spotlight on Early Years Emotional Health Pacey

PSED and Emotional Wellbeing Action Plan September 2024