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Early Years Resources & Support – Healthy Eating

Early Years healthy packed lunch leaflet

Information for settings to share with parents & carers to encourage a healthy packed lunch.

Healthy Eating guidelines for settings

Guidelines from the Public Health & the Healthy Early Years programme team to support serving healthy food in your early years setting

Example menus from the DfE

Example menus and useful guidance for early years settings to help meet the Early Years Foundation Stage requirements for food and drink.

DFE information around sensory food education

Information about each area of learning in the EYFS and get ideas for activities you can do with early years children, including short videos to explain the importance of each aspect

Food safety

Guidance and information from the DfE

HENRY ‘healthy start’

HENRY ‘healthy start’ has a range of top tips to support healthy eating which could be promoted to families. The website can be read in a variety of languages e.g Arabic and polish

Child healthy weight and oral health resource bank

This document contains web links to a number of resources and information about healthy weight, healthy lifestyles and oral health