Government & National Guidance
DfE Help for early years providers
Information about each area of learning in the EYFS and get ideas for activities you can do with early years children, including short videos to explain the importance of each aspect
North Yorkshire Guidance and Information
A range of Early Years training is on offer throughout the year from school improvement Early Years Consultants
Information for Schools & Early Years Providers from North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
Other Supporting Resources
Approaches and practices to support PSED in the Early Years from the Education Endowment Foundation
Personal, social and emotional development in the early years
a handbook for practitioners from Anna Freud
Cultural Diversity
Ideas to support bringing cultural diversity into Early Years
LGBT families
Picture books that celebrate LGBT families
Inclusive Resources
Resources to support teaching about different families and relationships and supporting posters
Internet safety information for parents and carers of 0-5 year olds
Smartie the Penguin
A collection of six stories exploring life online for 3-7 year olds by Childnet
Project Evolve
Bookstart for Early years
Resources to support teaching about different families and relationships and supporting posters