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Getting Started on Healthy Schools Training October 2023

Just a quick reminder that our next Getting Started on Healthy Schools training is running online on the 10th October 1.30-3pm.  If you haven’t already, please book your place via NYES using course code: SI-1023-T001

We’re also really pleased to invite you to join us at our first pupil event to take place at East Barnby environmental centre near Whitby.  We are delighted to be working with the education staff there to enable a fun packed event with three interactive hands on workshops for primary pupils.  These are around the Healthy Schools themes of: Oral health; Healthy Eating/ reducing food waste and Outdoor Learning/ Forest schools.  Please find full details and how to book on the attached flyer.  Don’t miss out, places are booking up and we have a limited number available so suggest you book your places asap.