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Pupil voice in school

The school has an active approach to pupil voice. This incorporates:

There are a range of opportunities for pupils to express their views and influence decisions in relation to EHWB and to enable pupils to feel part of the school and to have some control over their lives and impact on real decisions that are being made in school.

 Data has been effectively used and analysed to improve provision from the schools Growing up in North Yorkshire survey in relation to emotional and mental wellbeing:

  • Key stage 2 question 81 covers pupils views and opinions
  • Key stage 3 /4 questions 53- 54 covers pupils views and opinions

The evidence that could be in place to ensure a school is achieving this criteria includes:

  • Pupil voice is part of school development plan.
  • Effective monitoring of the impact that pupil voice is having in the school

Minutes of school council meetings or similar pupil voice mechanisms and  the impact of their decisions