Welcome to Healthy Schools & Early Years

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Feedback from a Headteacher

Talking about why taking part in the healthy schools award was important for them

A whole setting approach

to health & wellbeing for children & staff

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North Yorkshire & York Healthy Schools Award

North Yorkshire Healthy Early Years Award

This is an excellent award to enable Schools and Early years providers to develop and embed a whole setting approach to support health and wellbeing of pupils and staff.

The award enables Schools and Early years providers to achieve Bronze, Silver and Gold for recognition in the following areas: Active Lives, Emotional Health and Wellbeing, Healthy Food, PSHE / PSED and Staff Wellbeing. There is an action plan and supporting evidence required for each theme which can be accessed once registered with the programme.

The award is funded by Public Health to enable all North Yorkshire early years settings and schools, including academies, to take part for free. York Public Health fund the schools award for all York schools to take part without charge. We welcome private and out of county schools to join for an annual fee.

Watch this short video from the Headteacher of Linton-on-Ouse Primary school in North Yorkshire who has achieved the Gold award to learn more about why they took part in the award and the impact it has had on their school.

Early Years Newsletter for Spring & Summer Term 2025

The aim of this newsletter is to update all Early Years providers on the amazing progress of the North Yorkshire Healthy Early Years Award and how all Early Year Providers in North Yorkshire can get involved. There is also information about a range of health and...

Eco-Schools’ FREE Healthy Summer Toolkit is now live!

Eco Schools Healthy Summer Toolkit – has JUST launched.   The Toolkit is FREE and packed with fun activities designed to boost the health and wellbeing of both pupils and planet. It also connects with lots of Summer Term education events and can be slipped easily into...

Free in person Growing & Outdoor learning training

Growing & outdoor learning training for Early Years, primary & special schools Thursday 21st March; Ripon Walled Garden; with Grow 2 School and the Healthy Schools team. Explore ideas and resources for teaching growing & outdoor learning. Find out what’s...

Spring Term Training Dates

Welcome back.  Please find attached courses and events for the new school year.  All bookable via Training & Events | NYES Info  Do let us know if you have any queries or would like any support working on the scheme by emailing healthyschools@northyorks.gov.uk

Autumn Term Training Dates

Welcome back.  Please find attached courses and events for the new school year.  All bookable via Training & Events | NYES Info  Do let us know if you have any queries or would like any support working on the scheme by emailing healthyschools@northyorks.gov.uk

Getting Started on Healthy Schools Training October 2023

Just a quick reminder that our next Getting Started on Healthy Schools training is running online on the 10th October 1.30-3pm.  If you haven’t already, please book your place via NYES using course code: SI-1023-T001 We’re also really pleased to invite you to join us...

Summer Term Update

As we are nearly at the end of a very busy Summer term we’re writing with a few updates.  The next Healthy Schools award deadline is: 17th November 2023.  The next online training session is: Getting started on the North Yorkshire Healthy Schools award (all...

Bird’s eye view of poverty in schools survey

We are working with others across the education sector to highlight the effects of child poverty on pupils, schools and the wider education system and to advocate for change. In a first-of-its-kind survey, the Education Anti-Poverty Coalition, coordinated by Child...

Join the RHS Big Seed Sow

27 March – 2 April 2023 The RHS Big Seed Sow is a new community growing campaign, inviting school gardeners of all abilities to come together to sow and share seeds as part of a week of...