NY RISE is North Yorkshire’s Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Service for children and young people aged 10-18, or 19-24 with SEND and is provided by Humankind. The service is free, friendly, and confidential.

NY RISE can help with:

    • 1:1 Support to stop or reduce alcohol or drug use
    • Education and advice around drugs and alcohol (not universal provision)
    • Family support

The service is Open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. The service operates across the whole of North Yorkshire on an outreach basis.

Contact: 01723 330730 (option 2) or 08000 14 14 80 (option 2) Freephone number

Email: NYYP.admin@humankindcharity.org.uk

The NY RISE website is: https://www.waythrough.org.uk/find-support-near-me/ny-rise/


Other resources


Provides information about a range of drugs and substances

Not My Child

The Not My child campaign is created by a mum who lost her 15-year-old daughter in Northallerton following using MDMA – Not My Child

Drink Drug Hub

A website that offers reliable information about drugs and alcohol to young people, adults, and professionals. Training is available for young people, adults, parents, professionals, and the public also.


    The NHS state that vaping is not for children and young people. Their developing lungs and brains mean they are more sensitive to its effects. Nicotine vaping is substantially less harmful than smoking, but it is not risk-free.

    That’s why there’s a minimum age of sale for vaping products in the UK. It is illegal to sell nicotine vaping products to anyone under 18 or for adults to buy them on behalf of under-18s. 

    Data from ASH shows the increase in young people using vapes https://ash.org.uk/resources/view/use-of-e-cigarettes-among-young-people-in-great-britain

    For more information please access the NHS website https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit-smoking/vaping-to-quit-smoking/young-people-and-vaping/ 


      Living Well Smokefree offer support to anyone who wishes to stop smoking for good. The service has a team of advisors with plenty of experience in supporting people to make a change to their tobacco use and they will see anyone from the age of 12. Further information, including links to self-help quitting tools, can be found via their website: https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/healthy-living/stopping-smoking

      Open: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

      Contact: 01609 797272

      Email: stop.smoking@northyorks.gov.uk