If you are a professional working in a North Yorkshire school, you can ring the Compass Phoenix Professional Consultation service which is designed to support school staff with pupils emotional and mental wellbeing needs. There is no referral form for the Professional Consultation service and it is completely free to access. All staff need to do is phone 01904 661916 and a phone call will be set up at a consultation time to suit you. There is no need to gain the consent of the child/ parent as they are discussed anonymously. More information about the support Compass Phoenix can offer is available here https://www.compass-uk.org/services/compass-phoenix/

The go-to-website for healthy minds in North Yorkshire also provides a range of resources to aide both professional and young people’s understanding of how they can access support. All resources can be found here The Go-To – Emotional wellbeing and mental health (thegoto.org.uk)

A professional resource  – Needs based guidance for Social and Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) for Children and Young People in North Yorkshire.

This document has been developed to support professionals working with children and young people to help identify the best way to provide support for social and emotional mental health in North Yorkshire https://thegoto.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Needs-Based-Guidance-Document-2024-UPDATED.pdf the guide uses the ithrive model to describe young people’s presenting needs. More information on ithrive can be found here i-THRIVE | Implementing the THRIVE Framework (implementingthrive.org)

A professional resource – Mini Market Place – A digital booklet that provides an overview of services to support children and young people’s emotional and mental wellbeing in North Yorkshire Mini Marketplace – The Go-To (thegoto.org.uk)

A professional resource – If you have concerns a young person may harm themselves the North Yorkshire Pathway of support for children and young people with self-harming behaviour or suicidal ideation can offer advice and signposting  https://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/shsip/north-yorkshire-pathway-of-support-for-children-and-young-people-with-self-harming-behaviour-or-suicidal-ideation/

A range of bereavement support information is available for professionals and parents & carers at https://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/parents-carers/bereavement/

A Young Person’s resource – A guide to mental health support including local support in North Yorkshire designed by young people for young people   https://thegoto.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Young-Persons-Digital-Resource-Poster.pdf

Further information and resources:

Emotional Health & Wellbeing - Resources

There are a range of other supporting resources and information available in the resources section of the healthy schools website.

Training and Events for Schools

Further information on training opportunities for staff to support children and young people’s emotional and mental health can be accessed in the training section of the healthy schools website.

The Go-To

Provides a range of resources to aide both professional and young people’s understanding of how they can access support.

Needs based guidance for Social and Emotional Mental Health (SEMH)

Document for professionals working with children and young people to help identify the best way to provide support for social and emotional mental health in North Yorkshire. The guide uses the ithrive model to describe young people’s presenting needs. More information on ithrive can be found here i-THRIVE | Implementing the THRIVE Framework (implementingthrive.org)

Mini Market Place

A digital booklet that provides an overview of services to support children and young people’s emotional and mental wellbeing in North Yorkshire

Bereavement Support

Self-harm & Suicide idealisation

If you have concerns a young person may harm themselves the North Yorkshire Pathway of support for children and young people with self-harming behaviour or suicidal ideation can offer advice and signposting.

Resources for young people:

Mental health support

A guide to mental health support including local support in North Yorkshire designed by young people for young people