The North Yorkshire Council CYPS pages have information for schools, early years, and children’s service professionals on immunisations and managing infectious diseases in their setting. Please visit the health protection pages here: Health of Children and Young People | CYPSinfo ( 

Vaccination Update Autumn 2024

Vaccination plays a huge part in reducing the spread of infectious diseases, which in turn reduces pressures on health services and maintains attendance at work, school and nursery. To be fully effective, 95% of the population needs to be vaccinated – at the current time vaccination rates are reducing and sadly we are seeing a re-emergence of some serious diseases such as Measles and the increase of others such as Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

Other useful websites and resources on immunisations

The NHS provides information on the which vaccinations are given at which ages for babies and children.

NHS vaccinations and when to have them – NHS (

Further NHS information on the importance and safety of vaccination is here:

Why vaccination is safe and important – NHS (

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has produced ‘back to school / back to nursery’ posters and postcards for GP practices, nursery settings, primary and secondary schools: Immunisations: resources for nurseries and schools – GOV.UK (

FREE display posters / leaflets that can be downloaded or ordered for different vaccination programmes including flu, HPV, MMR/Measles can be found here: Home – Health Publications

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has produced information on vaccinations given for pre-school children, and during school years:

A guide to immunisation for pre-school (

A guide to immunisation for young people (

Flu vaccination for children: leaflets and posters – GOV.UK (


Gillick Competence for Immunisations

To understand what Gillick Competence is, and how it can be used for immunisations click here: here.

Any feedback, thoughts or concerns around Gillick competence and immunisations can be sent to Any questions or concerns around either Gillick competence or immunisations in general can also be addressed to the new School Age Immunisation Service provider, Vaccination UK

Managing infectious diseases

If you have an urgent Health Protection Matter including notification of infectious diseases, outbreaks and environmental hazards
please contact The Yorkshire and Humber Health Protection Team on 0300 3030 234 in or out of hours or complete the webform available at:

For more information on notification of specific diseases, outbreaks and hazards please visit