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Free in person Growing & Outdoor learning training

Growing & outdoor learning training for Early Years, primary & special schools

Thursday 21st March; Ripon Walled Garden; with Grow 2 School and the Healthy Schools team.

Explore ideas and resources for teaching growing & outdoor learning. Find out what’s good to plant for a successful harvest. Discover funding opportunities to help get you growing. Discuss ways to work outside safely and confidently in your own setting’s grounds to grow and play outdoors. Hot drinks provided. Everyone will take home some plants and seeds to get growing.

  • AM session: for Early years/EYFS and nursery schools along with a free resource pack to take away 9.30am-12.00 NYES Course Code: SI-0324-T032
  • PM session: for primary and special schools 1-3.30pm NYES Course Code: SI-0324-T003

To book training please go to North Yorkshire Education Services (NYES) and use the course code for booking http://www.nyestraining.co.uk/ If you have any questions or need help using the site call the NYES team on 01609 533 222 Or email nyes@northyorks.gov.uk