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Schools Newsletter Archive

The National Day of Reflection on 23rd March 2021

The National Day of Reflection on 23rd March 2021, the first anniversary of the first UK lockdown, a day for reflect on our collective loss, support those who've been bereaved, and hope for a brighter future. Further information and supporting resources for schools...

British Red Cross First Aid Champions

British Red Cross have developed a range of resources to support schools meet the first aid requirements of the statutory RSHE curriculum https://firstaidchampions.redcross.org.uk/  

Food is a Fact of Life

Food is a Fact of Life is running a series of free online practical cookery workshops focussing on food skills and recipe progression for teachers. Feedback has been very positive with 100% of teachers that have attended so far, feeling more confident about/to teach...

Forest School Day is this Friday 9 October

#ForestSchoolDay​ is an annual celebration day to connect, share and celebrate everything that is great and wonderful about forest school. We are delighted to join in the celebrations again this year because We ❤ Forest School!   This year's theme...

Relationships and Sex Education Day,  25th June 2020

Relationships and Sex Education Day, 25th June 2020

This is an annual celebration of excellent Relationships and Sex Education that educates children and young people about healthy relationships and positive sexual health. There are a range of ideas for all schools about how to get involved. [siteorigin_widget...

Statutory Leaflet

Statutory RSE and Health Education. Government Guidance and parent leaflet https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/relationships-education-relationships-and-sex-education-rse-and-health-education [siteorigin_widget...

Daily Mile

North Yorkshire schools showing how they are integrating the daily mile into their school day https://www.northyorkshiresport.co.uk/activemile