Government & National Guidance
Other Supporting Resources
Design & Technology (Primary School)
Cookery & nutrition teaching is statutory for schools within the Design & Technology national curriculum
Design & Technology (Secondary School)
Cookery & nutrition teaching is statutory for schools within the Design & Technology national curriculum
Science (Primary School)
Science (Secondary School)
Department for Education
School food standards practical guide
Department for Education
Free school meals: guidance for schools and local authorities
Department for Education
Free school meals and pupil premium: Model form that schools can use to determine which children are eligible for free school meals and the pupil premium
Public Health
Public Health guidance on water provision in schools
North Yorkshire Guidance and Information
Ideas for improving secondary school meals
Tips and ideas for improving school food and drink in secondary schools. Based on changes made in North Yorkshire secondary schools.
The Food You Eat at School Survey
This pupil survey has been designed to use with secondary school pupils using your own survey software. Please feel free to edit and amend the survey to suit your requirements. For support around secondary school food please contact us at healthyschools@
Mandatory School Food Standards
Came into force from 1st January 2015 and are still a legal requirement for schools. The guidance includes information for headteachers, governors and caterers with useful checklists of requirements
North Yorkshire Catering
North Yorkshire County Council’s catering service offers healthy, locally sourced food which is certified to Food for Life Bronze standard and fully compliant with the Government mandatory School Food Standards
School food resource bank
Breakfast Clubs Advice
and examples of good practice
Breakfast club Information for NY schools
and sources of funding
Complex eating behaviour in Children resource bank
Healthy Lunchboxes Guidance
Advice from North Yorkshire Public Health & Healthy Schools teams on encouraging a healthy, balanced packed lunch with ideas for what to and not to include.
Change4Life - Healthier Lunchboxes
Clear website with mix and match packed lunch examples. Good link for sending home to parents
Healthy Weight Pathway for Children, Young People and Families in North Yorkshire
Public Health Healthy Weight Pathway document for North Yorkshire available for referral pathway
Other Supporting Resources
British Nutrition Foundation
Lots of information, healthy packed lunch flowchart worksheet and healthy lunchbox recipe ideas
School Food Matters have developed this comprehensive whole school food policy template
For you to adapt and use in your school
What works well - School food plan
Sections on Food, Lunchtime Experience, Learning and examples of good practice eg Croydon Whole School Food Policy template and document ‘Creating a Culture and Ethos of Healthy Eating’ (documents available as downloads online)
Resources and support to teach about Oral Health
British Nutrition Foundation
‘Food in Schools’ section for teachers: sign up for free resources
Countryside Classroom
Access resources, places to visit and people to ask that will support teaching about food, farming and the natural environment
Garden Organic
Handy, quick-reference Growing Instruction Cards, Activity Sheets and garden construction project advice eg how to build a raised bed
Grow to School CIC
Year-round food growing resources and in school support to help you maximise your growing space for learning and discovery. In school and online CPD – learn how to manage your garden and include your garden in curriculum planning
PhunkyFoods is an early years & primary school programme of healthy lifestyle curriculum activities, lesson plans & resources. (
They also provide activity ideas, pupil booklets and parent leaflets on a range of core healthy lifestyle themes
RHS Campaign for School Gardening
Once registered for free; access lesson plans, activity sheets, resources and work towards a School Gardening Award (levels 1-5). Successful schools are rewarded with seeds, growing calendars etc
RHS Harlow Carr – Harrogate free school visits
Yorkshire Agricultural Society
Fantastic range of free teacher CPD courses including outdoor learning and growing. Annual school days out including the Countryside Days and Great Yorkshire Show. Apply for a Grant for projects which involve food, outdoor learning, growing or cooking
Child healthy weight and oral health resource bank
This document contains web links to a number of resources and information about healthy weight, healthy lifestyles and oral health
Food waste can be collected from schools for anaerobic digestion. Yorwaste can arrange this service for your school