Resources & Support for Schools – Staff Wellbeing

DfE Education staff wellbeing charter

This is a declaration of support for, and set of commitments to, the wellbeing and mental health of everyone working in education


‘Summary and recommendations: teacher well-being research report’ July 2019

DfE Improve workload and wellbeing for school staff

Resources to help you promote staff wellbeing and support workload reduction in your school.

Better Health

Every Mind Matters NHS support for adults to look after their welbeing

Compass Phoenix provide free Staff Wellbeing in Schools training

That has been developed to raise the awareness of staff wellbeing in schools and begin to explore strategies and ideas for staff to support their own wellbeing

Wellbeing Measurement for school staff survey from Anna Freud

5 steps towards a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing

Education Support Partnership

A UK charity dedicated to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of education staff in schools, this includes a confidential helpline

National Governance Association 2020

Staff wellbeing evaluation tool

Mind Network

Anna Freud has a range of resources as part of their Schools in Mind Network and this includes staff wellbeing

Top steps towards school staff wellbeing

Anna Freud Ten steps towards school staff wellbeing

Supporting staff in schools booklet

Anna Freud supporting staff in schools booklet has been developed with their mental health experts, and aims to give school staff and Senior Leadership Teams some simple guidance and good practical examples where schools have successfully implemented wellbeing strategies

Young Minds Young Minds has a range of information to support,

‘Caring For The Wellbeing Of Teachers And School Staff’

Mentally Healthy Schools

Mentally Healthy Schools signposts to a range of resources to support staff wellbeing