Free resource to help primary school teams develop their whole school approach to food policy.  CONNECTS-Food was developed with school stakeholders (including headteachers, school governors and caterers) and aims to make whole school approaches to food as easy as possible. The resource will help schools in many ways: Makes clear what is expected in a whole school approach to food; Provide a self-review tool, identifying areas in which they are strong, and those which need more work; Supply sample wording for schools to use on their website as a statement of intent regarding a whole school approach to food strategy (as recommended in recent UK Government levelling up paper); Give practical pointers to schools, along with excellent resources, guidance and case studies; Share a school food policy template for school to use (provided by school food matters) and an action planning tool.

Phunky Foods

PhunkyFoods is an early years & primary school programme of healthy lifestyle curriculum activities, lesson plans & resources which takes a whole school approach

York’s Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF)

Offers fun activities for keeping active, being creative, and trying something new over the Easter, summer, and winter school holidays. Children and young people in receipt of benefit-related free school meals can receive up to four sessions of free activities and nutritious food during the Easter and winter holidays and up to 16 sessions during the summer holidays

City of York Council School Catering

Energy Drinks

Please visit the City of York Council’s Energy drinks advice for young people webpage for more information on energy drinks. Contact the CYC Public Health Team for copies of the CYC energy drinks resources and free access to the GULP (Give Up Loving Pop) Toolkit –

Fix Our Food

Fix our Food in Schools network is an ambitious project with the vision of transforming food in all primary schools in Yorkshire. Working alongside school staff, children, farmers and businesses, the aim is that tasty, good quality, sustainable food is eaten by all children in schools and early years settings. Joining the network is easy and only requires each school to complete a very short survey. In return, network schools will receive resources to help meet OFSTED expectations surrounding healthy eating, get up to date information on relevant news that affect your schools, receive an annual report for your school regarding food in schools and be given lots of opportunities to join activities, projects, trips and events.