The CYC Healthy Child Service (5-19 Team) is made up of 3 services.

The teams are based at Hob Moor, The Avenues and Clifton Children’s Centres. Telephone 01904 555475 or email


Qualified nurses who have undertaken further specialist training to practice as Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (SCPHN). They provide universal health education and support to 5-19 year olds. They also undertake targeted direct work with families receiving Early Help and work with vulnerable young people who are subject to Child In Need or Child Protection Plans.


Children and Young People Health Outreach Nurses (CYPHON) provide universal and targeted health support to 5-19 year olds including running continence support sessions, providing anypylaxis training workshops to schools, contributing to multi-agency assessments such as Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP’s) and offering initial telephone based advice and signposting for common health issues.


Child Health and Development Workers. We are supported by our highly skilled Child Health and Development Workers (CHDW) who work across the 0-11years age ranges delivering routine assessments and targeted direct work around common health and development issues under the supervision of qualified colleagues.