Government Guidance for Schools
Sustainability leadership and climate action plans in education
The Department for Education’s (DfE) strategy for sustainability and climate change which asks schools to have in place a climate action plan and climate lead for their school by the end of 2025.
National Programmes
Climate Action Plan template
The climate ambassadors programme (link to section below) have produced guidance and templates for CAPs.
Education National Nature Park
For resources and activities linking to ‘Biodiversity’ section of Climate Action Plan and developing your school grounds.
Climate Ambassadors
Climate Ambassadors are volunteers from a broad range of backgrounds and jobs who can support climate action plan development and activities in school for free. They work both in individual settings and with multi-academy trusts and partnerships. Climate Ambassadors can work with your governors, leadership team, staff or young people to suit the needs of your school.
Let's go Zero
Regional free advisors for North East, Yorkshire and Humber to support you to write your climate action plan to reduce emissions in school
Count Your Carbon
Easy to use carbon calculator to create the baseline carbon footprint for your school.
Sustainability Support for Education
Online repository for resources and quality-assured documents to aid you and your settings.
Eco Schools is a global programme designed for pupil led action in school around ten key sustainability topics.
Find out more and work towards gaining your Green Flag
North Yorkshire Guidance & Information
Other Supporting Organisations and Resources
Aire River trust
Borrow our river table, download games and activities set on and near the River Aire ( from its origin in Malham to meeting the Humber estuary)
Climate Change Community Enews
North Yorkshire Council monthly enews on climate change includes items on events, funding and council and community activities
Climate community action in North Yorkshire
Contact your local climate action group to link into community action near your school.
Energy Heroes
Free, Award Winning Primary Maths, Energy and Climate Change programme including workshops and twilight training for schools in Yorkshire
Green Careers
A toolkit from York and North Yorkshire Careers hub including three green challenges that can be delivered in school with support from employers and links to facts and statistics on Net Zero jobs in North Yorkshire
Harlow Carr, Harrogate
Join the RHS Campaign for School Gardening for opportunities to grow and connect with nature, with training, resources and advice.
Howardian Hills Natural Landscapes
Support schools within the National Landscape boundary on their journey through the National Education Nature Parks initiative through grants for nature improvement projects.
JBA Trust
Resources and interactive models (rivers, cost, weather, flood risk) that can be used to support learning activities for all ages in the classroom and the community. The demonstrations for the mini hydraulic flume, coastal wave tank and augmented reality sandbox are also available as short films.
North York Moors National Park
Offer curriculum-linked activities led by qualified and experienced leaders from the National Park Outdoor Learning Team and are based at Danby Lodge and Sutton Bank National Park Centres. Activities last from an hour to a full day.
Rivers Trust
Schools along the Rivers Wharfe, Swale, Ure, Nidd and Ouse, and their tributaries can book Rivers2U mobile classroom to learn about the geography of rivers, the water cycle, wildlife and habitats, how rivers work, flooding, sustainable drainage systems and natural flood management. Contact
Yorkshire Dales National Park
Offer curriculum-linked activities
Yorkshire Water
Learn more about WaterAid, The Water Cycle, how to make water safe to drink, and what happens to waste water through have live virtual assemblies, in-school workshops, visits to centres (outside North Yorkshire) and online teacher CPD. Virtual careers talks and Q&A on ‘What Yorkshire Water does’,
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
Schools visits and workshops at Potteric Carr, Stirley, Living Seas Centre or Spurn) to learn more about wildlife conservation, their local environment, food growing and much more. (Fee involved)
Youth Voice
Join the Ripple Effect Network – Yorkshire & Humber Regional youth Climate Assembly are bringing together groups of young people working on climate and the environment, and sharing information on work being done across the region.